Teaching Experience

Please contact me at madcavmedia@gmail.com if you would like to see examples of my course syllabi, assignments, and student work.

Certificate in College Teaching Recipient, Duke University

Courses Taken:

Fundamentals of College Teaching, Spring 2022

Teaching Diverse Learners, Fall 2022

College Teaching & Visual Communication, Spring 2023

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Visiting Filmmaker Master Course (Yael Perlov), Duke University, Spring 2022

Intensive production course with a visiting filmmaker.

Moving Image Practice, Duke University, Fall 2022

Film and digital video production in conjunction with the history and theory of these technologies. Students produce moving image work and learn the basics of non-linear digital editing on Adobe Premiere Pro.

Instructor of Record

Introduction to Digital Storytelling (and Web Design), The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Spring 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021

Introduces students to the tools and skills needed to engage in quality documentary storytelling with audio, video, graphics, coding and web design.     

Media Ethics, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Fall 2021

Teaches ethical practices, what interferes with ethical practices, and what emerging ethical issues may challenge the newest generation of professional storytellers.